
Welcome to HomosassaTech/PCS

We are a Citrus County tech company servicing Homosassa Florida and surrounding areas. We sell, repair, support and train on PC, Mac & tablets. We can also design, update and support your new or existing website for business or personal use. Should you have any suggestions, comments or other feedback... feel free to call or email us.


Computer Repair

Physical and software repairs and installations - including but not limited to virus/malware removal, upgrades, screen replacement, networking and more...


One on one or in a group, we can train you to get the most of your computer or tablet.


Buy one of our refurbished computers or build one to suit your needs. We also have a selection of tech gadgets, jewelry, t-shirts etc...

Web Design

We can create something new or modify, update an existing website for business or personal use. We can also create you a new logo and bespoke graphics using current color trends.